So a whole bunch of new comics have come out and are coming out as DC goes into hyper reset mode thing. I plan on picking up a few here and there – I’ve never really bought many super hero comics, at least not regularly – the new comics seem to have a nice mix of good art, humour and interesting direction. Here’s my purchases for today:
Detective Comics was definitely my favourite of the two, I loved the art (nice, gothic and Batman-y) and the direct gruesome-ness of it. Batgirl was also interesting in terms of plot change, but I would certianly say the art wasn’t as good as Detective Comics. I was also very tempted to by Action Comics, but I decided against it today, I might change my mind later.
I also got to read Animal Man (which was very good), Swamp Thing (also good), Storm Watch and Justice League International that a friend had also bought today.
Now, looking ahead? Out of the new 52 there are a surprising amount I’m interested in despite really coming at them as a bit of a new comer. I’m interested in: Batwoman, Catwoman, Birds of Prey, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Voodoo, Teen Titans and probably Batman and Batman and Robin. I’m looking forward to seeing more of the new comics, even if it means going into the local forbidden planet with its painfully uninterested staff.
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