Mash Potato adventures and HD remixes: Oh my!

In a post that’s never likely to catch on and you probably really don’t care about I’m going to talk about some food stuff (and then some video game stuff, so skip on if that’s all you’re interested in). Specifically, mashed potato. I really, really, reeeeally like mash potato. Like really. With sausages and gravy. With toad in the hole. Just on it’s own. Buttery. Nom, nom, nom… (etc.)

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NaNoWriMo update 1

So, it’s day three of NaNoWriMo – I have 6023 words so far and will probably try and add another one or two thousand this evening with a little alcohol for encouragement. As far as I can tell a few people I know peripherally are also doing nano and seem to be doing okay.

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A short aside.

I did another photo session today, a tea photo session! (prompted by my ever growing tea and tea paraphernalia – which is an awesome word – collection, and a super cute twining tea van miniature I got for free with some tea.) SO those photos will be up at some point and linked to.

The most recent thing I’ve started to do tea wise is make all sorts of iced tea. I bought a heat proof plastic serving jug thing from Wilkinson’s that holds about 3 generous glasses or 5 – 6 mugs of iced tea, it has a lid so I can store it in the fridge with ease.

So far I’ve made Ice Liquorice and Peppermint Tea, which was ooookay, Ice chai tea (which I made a bunch of times) which is yummy. I made iced rose petal tea earlier today, so when it’s nice and cold I shall try it out!

Other than that everything is dandy.

A (not so) new camera

So, Peter just got a rather swish Nikon D90 DSLR camera.

This means I’ve been gifted with his older camera, the Sony DCS H50. It’s still a pretty swish bridge camera (what this means is that it has a large very capable lens stuck to it, but it’s not interchangable). I’ve been told he’ll still want to borrow it, as the Sony has some lovely features his new camera currently can’t do. The Sony manages to do close up and macro pretty well with the one lens – whereas Peter will need to buy a macro lens or macro filter. It also has a pretty nifty night mode, for taking in the dark photos.

So, while it’s a little old – it’s pretty good. We already have a little studio set-up with really bright studio lights, sheeting, tripod etc. – so I’m good for some experimentation. Now I just need to figure out how to take photos. And get a steadier hand….