Let’s (not) Play Silent Hill – week 4 final!

So, we have our final week of Silent Hill 1 videos! It was very fun looking back and playing it. In total we had 4 hours and 36.07 minutes of game play and 46.86 minutes of our commentary at the end of each week. I’m really happy with the quality of our let’s play, I think the videos look great. As an extra, we have a trailer of your upcoming Let’s (not) Play of Silent Hill 2 – we’re all really looking forward to this, so I hope to see you there.

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Let’s (not) Play: Silent Hill – week 3

The video’s for week three have now all been uploaded. We’re getting very close now to the end of Silent Hill 1. It’s been fun so far! Soon after Silent Hill we’ll be getting straight down to Silent Hill 2. We’re all really looking forward to Silent Hill 2, Peter of Peter Reviews has been working quite hard figuring out how to make it a new and cool experience. We’ll have full 16:9 gameplay and cutscenes and lots of good stuff. We should have a sneak peak trailer soon. For now…

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Luigi’s Mansion – looking back

One of the main uses I get out of our Wii is using it to play GameCube games. I had a GameCube when I was younger, and did enjoy the limited games that came out. I had the cute little purple GC, and unsurprisingly I liked the cute little disks as well. The control pad I was less enthusiastic about…with it’s strange extra Z button, and Y and X button layout. Anyway, I got ahold of a copy of Luigi’s Mansion a little while ago. It was one of the few games I remembered really enjoying and finishing for the GC so I thought I’d see how it’s aged.

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Sorcery (PS3 Move) review

The PS3 exclusive and Move selling title Sorcery from The Workshop (this is their first game) and Santa Monica Studios (of God of War fame), finally came out last month after being shown off ages ago at E3 2010. I personally was really looking forward to it. I already had a Playstation camera, and a set of Move controllers. I’d had both of these for a while and only gotten limited use out of them. I’ve played Dead Space: Extraction (oh god, that game), Just Dance 3, as well as trying a play through of Heavy Rain with the Move (though I had bought and played it separate to its Move-ness) – out of those two in a lot of ways I found Heavy Rain to be the better of the two. But anyway…

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Silent Hill: Spot the difference!

So, many people the internet over have commented on the ‘ice cold’ as it were opening to the new Silent Hill Downpour. Essentially, with a complete lack of build up the game tells you to kill some person you know nothing about and Murphy…does…not…care. Added to this are many instances through out the game of him commenting on stupid stuff like ‘Lame hint telling you to do something you probably already figured out’ instead of ‘Oh god, there’s a big dead mutilated dog on the bed in this hotel room *throw up*’

So, to honour this with Peter of Peter Reviews writing and my art – We’ve done a Silent Hill Spot the difference!

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Calling (Wii) Review

So, Calling is a 2009 title from developer and publisher, Hudson Soft (notable for…well, Bomberman of all things) and is what I could call a horror game – at the end of this piece I’m going to talk a bit about the ‘survival horror’ genre as well, namely how it’s useless as the main horror genre in terms of video games. Calling is a first person, torch holding exploration adventure-y style horror game. It focus’ on game mechanics and story, and is relatively combat light. Despite this being a criticism for many reviewers, in my opinion this is a good thing – not all games need to begin and end at the combat, it’s like people have forgotten there are other types of game play. Anyway…

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