Other Interesting Videos

Peter of Peter Reviews and CorrosiveTruths recently made some very interesting videos to go alongside our usual LP’s for our YouTube channel, which I wanted to share here.

The first is a really cool trailer for our Silent Hill 3 Let’s Play.

The video starts off the same as our previous trailer, reiterating our reasons for doing the LP (the HD collection), our problems with the HD collection etc. And then it shows off a bit, how we’ve made the LP possible, compared to the original game.

The videos that we post on YouTube are the polished final version involving lots of post production. The game does not look like that when we play it. We’re playing the PC versions of these games as they offer the most ease of use in what exactly we want to produce. We apply widescreen patches and various other changes to make these games run in 16:9 HD, but without…overly weird stretched looking models, weird stretched menu’s and maps and what not (as widescreen patches don’t fix those). And wonderful sound.

One of the things I also want to mention is the sound editing, while YouTube is obviously very visual in format, a lot of sound editing goes into our LP’s as well, which is the thing I’m mainly in charge of. We clear up all the un-necessary side talk, clear out all or most of the weird breaths, mouth noises, clicks, background noises etc. One of the other things that’s important to do it make sure the volumes are always right, that the game isn’t too loud, or too quite, and that neither are our voices.

The most fantastic thing, I think, about this, is doing that is very simple. I sound edit with a program called Audacity, which has this wonderful feature called “Auto Duck” which you apply to the game sound, (rather than mine and Peter’s separately recorded vocal track) and it turns the volume down of the game track by a percentage (but it’s still hear-able) when there is sound in the other track – us speaking. This makes the whole thing really watch-able, if you’ve ever struggled to listen to what someone is saying over the sound of the game, this is what they should be doing!

Now that I’ve written a fair amount, you can look out for the other video I’m going to talk about in another post!


Silent Hill 3 Finale! Episodes 36 – 42

We finally did. Let’s Play Silent Hill 3, now complete, in HD, widescreen, with corrected aspect ratio, game play by Scott, and myself and Peter commentating. We’ll be aiming to also finish Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem (expect posts soon) before moving on to Silent Hill 4.

Some quick Let’s Play stats:

A total of 42 videos (to SH2 40, SH 29).
A total of 8 hours, 17 minutes, and 3 seconds of footage (to SH2 7 hours, 50 minutes, and 93 seconds, SH 5 hours, 22 minutes, and 93 seconds).
A total of 6 Talkie episodes (to SH2 6, SH 4).
With Talkie time totalling 1 hour, 12 minutes, and 35 seconds (to SH2 1 hour, 11 minutes, and 52 seconds, SH 46 minutes, 86 seconds).
A total size of 18.1 GB (to SH2 18.2, SH 8.4).

And now, the videos.

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Silent Hill 3 – Let’s Play

We’re making great progress on our own version of an “HD Collection” – a watch-able one at least, if not a playable one, as there is a fair bit of editing.

So, we’ve done Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, and Silent Hill 2: Born from a Wish – with great quality, corrected aspect ratio videos, wonderful sound and Mine and Peter’s commentary. This commentary gives wonderful extra information and insight, instead of yelling and poor jokes. We also have what we call a ‘Talkie’ episode at the end of each week, where we talk about what’s been played so far.

SO, here is the first week of Silent Hill 3 – in wonderful 1080p, and yes, with corrected aspects.

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