This is just going to be a quick impressions post as I’ve finally bought, played and finished Level 5’s 2013 Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch.
Beyond: Two Souls
Beyond: Two Souls has been out for just over two months here in the UK, and both myself and Peter of Peter Reviews have each played it through. It’s been an…interesting experience, not without its negative points. I never did a full review of Quantic Dream’s Heavy Rain, (though you can read Peter’s full review here) but I consider it to be one of the best PS3 games made, and one of my favourite games in general. We pre-ordered Beyond: Two Souls at the first opportunity we had, there was no way we were going to miss it.
We got a PS4…
…But we have no games.
Yep, you read that right. And I assume it’s true for other people too.
Dead Space 3
At this point it feels like I’ve written an awful lot about Dead Space. My long and now probably slightly out of date discussion on horror games from 2010 which featured Dead Space (among others), my scathing review of Dead Space 2, that one time I made a Game of the Year thing (before I realised it was actually not very interesting) which featured Dead Space 2 as the worse game I played that year. So it’s actually quite tiring, at this point, to go back and look at another one. But another one they did release.
Dead Island: Single & Multi-player
So, a few days ago myself and Peter finally finished a multi-player game of 2011’s Dead Island. I’d played it a few times already in single-player first, but we only recently got ahold of a second PS3 to play it multi-player, as unfortunately a lot of games have online multi-player only – which I always think is a real shame. Playing a game with your friend or boyfriend can be great fun. But anyway, the game!