I enjoy adventure games quite a lot. They can be interesting, funny and clever. The good ones anyway. Bad ones…obviously, involve rubbing every object against every other object in a belaboured attempt to figure out what the hell you need to do. Mostly this feels like a writer/developer assuming everyone (or mostly everyone) will make the very same leap of logic as them. But anyway, the point…
Assassin’s Creed: (& the complete lack of) Revelations
So (I should really get out of the habit of starting articles with so), I recently rented and finished Assassin’s Creed: Revelations. In a lot of ways it was a bit of a try before buying decision – we’ve played all the Assassin’s Creeds so far. But luckily (or unluckily?) the game turned out to be not worth playing…really, really not worth playing.
Just a small warning: there are going to be some series spoilers. But chances are you either already know because you’ve played the game or couldn’t care less.
Just Dance – Review and Comparison
So, thanks to having a LoveFilm subscription I can enjoy renting games that I don’t really want to buy – either in case they turn out to be a waste of money, or because it’s a game I mostly want to try rather than keep. The ‘Just Dance’ games fall into the latter category. So, here’s a short look at them.
Faux box art!
So! There’s a new Silent Hill coming out…Silent Hill: Book of Memories. Peter Reviews will be writing something about it soon (I think). But essentially the game is a multiplayer top down shooter…zombie survival horror game esque…game, skinned with Silent Hill. It looks awful and sounds awful. Peter’s suggestion after this was other strange genres of video games with the Silent Hill name tacked on, like Silent Hill Slumber Party. Queue bad faux box art!
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
It’s been quite a while actually since I’ve written a full review of a video game, the last one being ‘Blue Toad Murder Files’ in October. So here I’m going to review the newest game by developer, Naughty Dog – Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception.
Just to introduce it, I’m going to mention that I’ve finished Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves – and I did enjoy them. They were fun, adventure style story games. They aren’t really the sort of thing you play more than the once, but definitely worth playing. They’ve also been pretty critically and commercially successful, but then I don’t really care about that in a lot of ways…we care if the game is good, right?
Blue Toad Murder Files: Mysteries of Little Riddle Review
Or should I say ‘Blue Toad Muuuuuur-der! Files…’
First look: No More Heroes: Heroes’ Paradise.
So, here is my first look, first impression, first try etc. of No More Heroes: Heroes’ Paradise demo for the PS3. It’s a port of the original No More Heroes on the Wii which came out in 2008.
I get the impression that I’m not quite….the target audience for this game. What makes me think this? Well …let’s see.
Alice: Madness Returns
Warning! This post contains spoilers about Alice: Madness Returns.
So, I pre-ordered Alice: Madness Returns for the PS3 a little while ago, and was really looking forward to it. I had played the original American Mcgee’s Alice, and while I only have vague recollections of it, I at least remember enjoying it. So, the game has been out a little while now, I finished the whole thing and it’s finally time I got around to writing down my thoughts on it.
Mortal Kombat (A better late than never review)
The first part of the game is a big one and quite a disappointment to be honest. Starting up the game I go for Story Mode straight away, it seems to me at least that’s where you’d start. Unfortunately Story Mode is just not the best representation of the game. The difficulty quickly moves from doable to ‘oh god, my fingers’ and it just isn’t fun. Now, hardcore fighting game fans (and some of them are probably morons) probably like this, it makes it hard enough for them. But plenty of people aren’t these kind of fans. Read More
Game Review Bias and ‘Innovation’
It always terrifies me that (I’m going to be mean and say supposed) ‘supposed’ (in scare quotes and everything!) highly regarded review websites write reviews with such obvious bias. ‘But…’ I hear you say ‘the bias can’t be that bad, can it?’
Well, for example when you put two long running game series together – in this case we’ll say Dynasty Warriors and Pokemon. A lot of big review websites describe these games in pretty much the same way – that they haven’t changed at all (despite the fact that they have, but we’ll get to that). But apparently because most of them watched Pokemon when they were kids this makes it okay and it get a high scores. Dynasty Warriors on the other hand is slated for not ‘innovating’ (again, in scare quotes! I’ll explain why in a bit too). Read More