Let’s Play – Silent Hill 2 Born from a Wish!

That’s right, we’re back with our Let’s Plays. After a pretty long hiatus where both myself and Peter had dental surgery to remove teeth (as we both keep having too many extra grow in), we’re both very happy to finally be producing again.

So, this is the follow up to our Let’s Play of Silent Hill 2, we’re now playing the extra scenario, also referred to as the Maria scenario, Born from a Wish. Our format is still mostly the same, our player is Scott, with myself and Peter commentating.

What has changed a little is our process, we are now producing videos using Kdnlive, instead of PowerDirector. We’ve found for what we do, it’s a much better program. The technology is still mostly based on our brief but awesome pod cast set-up, where we spent under twenty pounds.

But, that’s enough chat. Here’s part one of our Born from a Wish Let’s Play.

Dead Space 3

At this point it feels like I’ve written an awful lot about Dead Space. My long and now probably slightly out of date discussion on horror games from 2010 which featured Dead Space (among others), my scathing review of Dead Space 2, that one time I made a Game of the Year thing (before I realised it was actually not very interesting) which featured Dead Space 2 as the worse game I played that year. So it’s actually quite tiring, at this point, to go back and look at another one. But another one they did release.

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Dead Island: Single & Multi-player

So, a few days ago myself and Peter finally finished a multi-player game of 2011’s Dead Island. I’d played it a few times already in single-player first, but we only recently got ahold of a second PS3 to play it multi-player, as unfortunately a lot of games have online multi-player only – which I always think is a real shame. Playing a game with your friend or boyfriend can be great fun. But anyway, the game!

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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

I’ve been meaning to play Enslaved: Odyssey to the West for quite a while now, it’s been about two years since its fall 2010 release. I really enjoyed Ninja Theory‘s previous game, Heavenly Sword (though admittedly for its art and style more than its game play) but I just haven’t gotten around to playing Enslaved until now.

Part of that was simply a cost thing. At thirty to forty pound a game, even for games that turn out to be quite bad, I just can’t afford to buy every game when it comes out. Nor would I want to, it’s my money…I’m discerning with it. Using a rental service (which we’ve had for about a year now) really helps. We have a whole list of games, ‘B games’ we call them, which we kiiiind of fancy playing…but we suspect they won’t be good/worth the money/or anything we’ll want to keep.

So, onto Enslaved…

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Silent Hill 2 Let’s (not) Play – final week six! (Sort of)

Our final week of playing Silent Hill 2, and it’s a fairly short one, with just three parts, the end credits, and our talkie. It’s a sort of finale, as we are going to be playing the optional scenario “Born from a Wish” which our player Scott hasn’t played either. Look forward to it soon!

We’ll be putting up a fun little teaser for the “Born from a Wish” scenario soon, so we’ll see you then!

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Silent Hill 2 Let’s (not) Play – week three!

So, we’re back again with another week of lovely Silent Hill 2 videos. We had a week long break from video uploads, as Peter caught a nasty case of the flu, and he’s our chief recording and editing guy. Thankfully, he’s getting better! This week we have lots more goodness. We finished with the hospital, lost Maria to an encounter with Pyramid Head, and returned to the streets of Silent Hill, which are now dark and changed.

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Silent Hill 2 Let’s (not) Play – week two!

So, another week…another set of lovely Silent Hill 2 videos.

A lot happened this week, in these videos, we…
…meet Eddie and enjoy the dulcet tones of him vomiting…
…put our hand in a disgusting toilet all for the sake of a few packets of bullets…
…get weird-ed out by Angela…
…wonder if James is crazy or really, really crazy…
…have a unexpected and deadly encounter with Pyramid Head…
…meet Maria…
…yell at Eddie for eating pizza…
…and appreciate Maria’s “charms”.

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Silent Hill 2 Let’s (not) Play – week one!

Our Silent Hill 2 Let’s (not) Play is now up and running. We have a whole week of lovely 16:9, correct aspect ratio, original voice cast, 1080p awesomeness. It’s gone great so far and I’m really looking forward to continuing it.

Chances are, there will be a little bit of a delay between this week and the next set off footage due to some unavoidable delays. But rest assured – we’re still doing more!

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